Setup Recurring Datajobs

Before setting up datajobs please make sure that you have finalised the setup of application registration as described in "Application Registration".

The following section describes how to import and create recurring data jobs for the following integrations:

  • Bank Statements
  • Customer Payments
  • Customer Payments Settlement

You will need to perform these steps three times - once for each datajob.

Please note that the guide uses Bank Statements as example however the process is identical for all mentioned integrations.

Create an import project by opening workspace Data Management and click Import 8-data-management

Select new and fill in Group name and Description 9-mto-statement-import

Next select add file, select source data format package and upload the supplied zip-file by by pressing 'Upload and add'


Verify that the data entity was imported correctly by selecting the Entity below and select Child entities 11-target-entities-my-view

This should display the child entities of the composite entity - press validate 12-target-entities-my-view-validate

The info log should verify that the ‘entity is validated for data import/export’ and we are now ready to proceed and create the recurring integration 13-create-recurring-data-job

Fill in name, description, batch group and insert the Minteo Application ID that was setup under System Administration -> Microsoft Entra ID

Next set processing recurrence which is how often messages should be processed from the inbound message queue - this can be changed later. 14-standard-view-create-recurring-data-job

Copy the ID of the created recurring data job to the corresponding field in Integration/D365FO 15-minteo-io-oauth2

Recurring data job of type Bank Statement should be filled in field "Bank Statement Job Id" while Customer Payments in field "Customer Payments Job Id" and Customer Payment Settlements in "Customer Payments Settlement Job Id".