Before you begin

Make sure that you have the necessary information for the registration procedure.

A successful registration will usually require the following:

  • Name of the financial institution

  • Type of connection

  • Contract number

  • Activation code or User credentials

Registering your bank

  1. Click on "Banks" on the menu to the left and press the "New" button to configure a new bank connection.


  2. Choose a bank from the dropdown menu and set an alias. A default value will be provided for you. Then select connection type and insert registration values supplied by the financial institution.


  3. Press "Save" to store the new bank connection settings.

  4. Click the blue button on the far right to activate the connection.


  5. Provide the activation code and press "Activate!".


  6. After a short while a green check mark will be shown in the "Alias" column to show that the connection is active.
