Electronic Messaging

Please note that the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" need to be acquired from Minteo.io before progressing with this setup.

Web Application

Open the Web Application configuration by following these links.

  1. Tax

  2. Setup

  3. Electronic messages

  4. Web applications


Then fill in the following:

  • Base URL: https://auth.minteo.io
  • Token URL: /realms/< your_account >/protocol/openid-connect/token
  • Client Id
  • Client Secret
  • Authorisation format mapping: Minteo auth format
  • Import token model mapping: Minteo import token format (Minteo Auth model Minteo token response format)
  • Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Example showing filled out "Web applications" form. 7-web-applications-parameters

Import Project

Go to Data Management and create an Import project. 1-data-management

Fill in the fields "Group Name" and "Description" next click "Add file" and select "Source data format" Package and upload the provided Minteo Setup Package zip-file. 2-mtoimportemsetup

The application will then load the data entities from the package. 3-selected-entities

Finally click "Import" to load the configuration into D365FO. 4-mtoimportemsetup-import

Open Invoices

Open customer invoices can be sent to Minteo.io by enabling the electronic message processing of "MtoSendOpenInvoices".

This is done by clicking on the links:

  • Tax
  • Setup
  • Electronic messages

... and search for "MtoSendOpenInvoices".

Set recurrance (i.e. every 6 or 12 hours) and click "Create batch".

This will create a normal batch-job which can either be cancelled or withheld like a normal batch-job or via this page. C-1-cust-invoices-electronic-message-processing

After the batch-job has been created a list of open customer invoices will be sent.

Navigate to:

  • Tax
  • Electronic Messages

.. and look for "MtoSendOpenInvoices" and make sure that the message status is '"OpenInvoicesSent". C-2-cust-invoices-electronic-message-status